For the 6th generation of STOBER drive controllers there is already a wear-free, fully electronic interface for the Safe Torque Off (STO) safety function available in the standard series version.
The technologically innovative solution works without any system tests interrupting production. In practical terms this means an impressive increase in the availability of machines and systems. Time-consuming planning and documentation of tests are also eliminated. In multi-axis applications with SD6 drive controllers, the STO safety function can simply be looped through.
The safety-relevant functions were developed together with Pilz GmbH & Co. KG.
Expanded safety option
In addition to the safe stop functions Safe Stop 1 (SS1) and Safe Stop 2 (SS2), additional safety functions such as Safely-Limited Speed (SLS), Safe Brake Control (SBC), Safe Brake Test (SBT), Safe Direction (SDI) and Safely-Limited Increment (SLI) are also available with the SE6 safety module for the SD6 drive controller.
Certified safety
TüV certification makes it possible to use 6th generation drive controllers even in applications with challenging safety requirements:
SIL 3, HFT 1 in accordance with DIN EN 61800-5-2
PL e, category 4 in accordance with DIN EN ISO 13849
5th generation – optional integration
For the 5th generation of STOBER inverters there is an option to integrate the Safe Torque Off (STO) and Safe Stop 1 (SS1) safety functions.
The Institute for Occupational Health and Safety of the German Statutory Accident Insurance Association verifies the following safety functions by means of certification:
STO and SS1 as per DIN EN 61800-5-2. Stop category 0 and stop category 1 as per DIN EN 60204.
The application is possible to max:
PL e, category 3 as per DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008-12 or SIL 3 as per DIN EN 61800-5-2:2008-04.